Read the Guardian Article "Middle of Where

Another cartoonishly ridiculous anti-China propaganda slice has been published in the western mass media, this time by The Guardian, which at this point could arguably be labeled the single virtually subversive promulgator of empire propaganda in the western globe. It is authored by Simon Tisdall, who could most certainly be labeled the single about subversive promulgator of empire propaganda at The Guardian.

The article is titled "In People's republic of china'southward new age of imperialism, Xi Jinping gives thumbs down to democracy" and subtitled "Beijing is aiming for global ascendancy – but its leader's vision of world dominion is centralised, oppressive and totalitarian." None of these claims are substantiated in the text which follows.

It'southward pretty beautiful how the only time y'all'll ever see the word "imperialism" used in The Guardian (without scare quotes) is when information technology wants to criticize a nation the world's actual imperialist dominator, the United States, doesn't similar. Y'all will never see that word used to refer to the behavior of the cluster of US-aligned nations which functions every bit a single empire on foreign policy, nor to the government which has circled the planet with hundreds of armed forces bases and works to kill, starve and subvert whatever population who refuses to be commanded, controlled, exploited or plundered.

In fact, Tisdall goes so far equally to promote the hilarious thought that the days of whatever western power having imperialist inclinations are long gone.

"Imperialism, in all its atrocious forms, notwithstanding poses a threat," Tisdall writes. "But it is no longer the imperialism of the due west, rightly execrated and self-condemned. Today's threat emanates from the eastward. Just as objectionable, and potentially more unsafe, it'south the prospect of a totalitarian 21st-century Chinese global empire."

Well cool. The western world at some betoken in history apparently renounced imperialism, and now the east is the merely direction from whence that threat emanates. Non sure when that happened, but Tisdall appears quite certain that imperialism has been completely stomped out everywhere west of Xinjiang, including in the United States government.

"[N]rising empires establish an (often delusional) narrative, or 'mission statement', to justify their activities," Tisdall writes. "British imperialists claimed to be a civilising force, bringing constabulary and Christianity to the keen unwashed. The postwar American empire was, supposedly, all nigh championing democracy."

"Was". The postwar American empire, back in the days when it existed, "was" supposedly about championing democracy. Y'all know, back when it would exert force upon nations on the basis that they were insufficiently democratic. Once more, Tisdall does not say on what precise engagement this ended, or name the bespeak in history when the entire US empire blipped out of being.

This would be the aforementioned United states of america that is currently constructing long-range missile systems on a chain of islands about China's declension for the explicit purpose of threatening China. One need only imagine what would happen if China began building long-range missile systems off a US coastline to understand who is the real imperialist aggressor between these two nations.

There be all kinds of arguments that can be made about whether or not the Chinese regime is imperialist and if so to what extent. What absolutely practice not exist are arguments that China is more than imperialist than the United States and its tight cluster of allies, or anywhere remotely close. The regime which continually uses its military and economic might to bully and manipulate the world into aligning with its geostrategic interests is indisputably the more imperialist force, by a massive, massive margin.

Equally evidence for his pants-on-head gibbering lunatic position that Mainland china has completely supplanted all western powers as an imperialist force in our earth and is trying to become a globe-dominating empire, Tisdall cites three points: (1) that Mainland china engages in trade, (2) that Red china has a unmarried military base in Republic of djibouti, and (3) that the United states of america intelligence dare has asserted that Prc plans on building a second armed forces base in Republic of equatorial guinea, with possibly more to follow.

"The showtime phase of China's new royal historic period is already in train. Xi's ambitious chugalug and road investment and infrastructure initiative (BRI) touches sixty countries," Tisdall writes. "China is the world's largest trading nation and largest exporter, with $2.6tn worth of exports in 2019."

So, merchandise. That's trade. The idea that an investment and infrastructure plan rises to anywhere nigh the level of US wars which have killed millions and displaced tens of millions just since the plough of this century is risible.

"The CCP's focus is meanwhile shifting to empire phase two: military bases," says Tisdall. "US media reported last calendar week that the port metropolis of Bata in Equatorial Guinea could go China's first Atlantic seaboard naval base – potentially putting warships and submarines within striking distance of America'southward eastward coast."

Antiwar'south Daniel Larison has a great article out mocking and debunking the foam-brained hysterical shrieking about how the completely unsubstantiated US intelligence claim that Beijing is trying to constitute a armed services base in Republic of equatorial guinea "some half-dozen g nautical miles away from the Usa mainland" poses any threat to the United States.

"The US faces very few serious threats from other states, and the The states is extraordinarily secure from concrete attack," Larison writes. "To make other states seem remotely threatening to U.s.a. security, the authorities and cooperative media outlets have to exaggerate the power of other states and inflate their ability to threaten Americans. Because of the huge mismatch between the demands of propaganda and the less alarming reality, this often creates absurd results."

Cool results indeed.

"China already has a naval base in Djibouti, in the Horn of Africa," Tisdall writes. "It is said to be considering an island airbase in Republic of kiribati that could in theory threaten Hawaii. Meanwhile, it continues to militarise atolls in the South China Body of water. A Pentagon report last month predicted People's republic of china will build a string of war machine bases girdling the world, including in the Arctic. CCP 'target' countries include Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, the United Arab Emirates, Kenya and Angola, it said."

So, i single strange military base in the whole entire earth, plus a agglomeration of imagination and conjecture by military and intelligence operatives. This compared to the 750 military bases that the US actually, physically has around the globe. Some "empire" you've got there, Xi.

Not only is information technology laughable to claim that the US is no longer imperialist, there's not fifty-fifty whatever testify that China seeks to replace it as the unipolar global hegemon. Western spinmeisters have been churning out think pieces for years challenge that China is trying to rule the globe, but if y'all really examine the basis for those claims all you'll detect is evidence that China wants a multipolar world of multiple powers every bit opposed to a unipolar one where the world is dominated by the Us or any other nation.

As nosotros discussed previously, it's not like the floundering US empire has been making the business of planetary domination wait sexy. The idea that every nation wants to dominate the earth the way the US does is just a dopey projection past propaganda-addled western minds who've been programmed to believe the game of unipolar conquest is normal and desirable.

Tisdall too inserts the obligatory accusation of "genocide" that every western propagandist is required to squeal whenever the Chinese regime is nether give-and-take, which has been thoroughly discredited by many people and fifty-fifty the western media have been forced to walk back from as tourism surges in Xinjiang.

Tisdall also cites a quote by Xi Jinping saying that China will defend itself from those who try to bully, oppress or subjugate it every bit evidence that the leader has "combative ideas" and believes "imperial might makes right":

"Nosotros have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any other country, and we never volition. Past the same token we will never let anyone to nifty, oppress or subjugate [China]," he said. "Anyone who tries volition find themselves on a standoff course with a steel wall forged past i.4 billion people."

It is very revealing how many empire propagandists keep interpreting a warning that China will defend itself from aggressors as a menacing and ambitious human action. Most similar they believe information technology is their right to great, oppress and subjugate all nations without opposition or resistance.

Agreeing with Simon Tisdall on any foreign policy issue is nature'southward manner of telling you lot to revise your media consumption habits.

The mass media accept been growing astonishingly forceful in their efforts to manipulate the world into being and then terrified of People's republic of china that they'll consent to any agenda no matter how insane and dangerous. The more forceful they become with their manipulations, the more important it is to counter their lies.

We're existence shoved in a very bad direction at an increasingly frenetic pace. This is being done for a reason. Be warning.


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