How to List Product Again Teespring

The 'Listings' section is where you can view and edit all of your production listings. Yous'll have an overview of sales, turn a profit, and the fulfillment region of each list based on its products (US, Eu, or global). You tin can too access the following tools and customization options by clicking the buttons and icons adjacent to each listing:

  • Guild production samples (learn more)
  • Edit listings title, details, price, etc.
  • Update list settings (schedule terminate engagement, print bike, visibility settings, etc.)
  • View an individual listing'south analytics (learn more)
  • Bulletin customers of this list (learn more)
  • Duplicate a listing settings and products
  • Archive listings to remove them from your dashboard view
  • Relaunch ended listings to brand products available for buy

How to edit listing details

Yous have the power to edit listing details instantly. But click the pencil icon of the listing your want to edit. Make sure to save your changes after editing. Likewise keep in listen orders are produced (printed) every three days and this iii day menstruation is known as a "print bicycle" (learn more below). When editing prices, the updated toll and turn a profit margin will be reflected on whatever new orders placed. The new cost will not touch current/previous orders placed within that impress cycle before the alter.

  • Title: Customize the title displayed on your listing folio.
  • Description: Customize the description displayed on your listing page. Acquire nearly how to optimize your listing title and description hither.
  • URL (NEW): You can edit your list'due south URL at whatever time. Just enter the new URL, click save, and meet your changes announced.
  • Currency settings: Teespring automatically displays currencies based on shoppers' location. You're able to choose the exact display price in USD and in 1 other currency, either GBP or EURO, on your list page. If you gear up the primary European union currency to GBP for example, this means the EURO price displayed volition be based on this GBP price you have prepare. The specific EURO amount will depend on the current commutation rate. Brand sure to update your currency settings showtime before editing any prices in the Available products section below.
  • Default production: Select the default production y'all desire to appear when shoppers visit your listing page.
  • Cost: Customize the selling price displayed (and profit) per production. Keep in mind y'all tin can set the selling price for global products (fulfilled in Eu and US) in both USD and your primary EU currency (either GBP or EUR). Proceed in listen the EU price you set includes VAT—if you're located outside of the EU the display price you'll see on the listing folio will not include VAT.
  • Product images: Choose the default product image to display per product.

Edit, add or remove designs in your current listings

Y'all can edit or add together new designs for individual products or apply your edits in bulk to other products in the list. Instantly adjust design placement, size, etc. too as upload new designs to apply to your products. Navigate to the 'Listings' section of your Teespring account, select the 'edit' icon, then click 'edit or add designs' to get started. Y'all tin apply your blueprint changes to your called production or alternatively, toggle the bulk edit option to utilise your design changes to all products on the listing. Bank check out the video below to learn more than.

Note: Once saved, edits will immediately be reflected on the listing folio. Even so, edits may take ii – 3 business days to exist reflected on external integrations such as the YouTube merch shelf due to content review policies. Edited products will not be available through integrations  during the review catamenia.

Recollect, editing your listing volition initiate the print bicycle for current orders. Once saved, new orders placed will feature the new pattern. Buyers will demand to cancel their order before edits are saved or contact back as soon equally possible. (Y'all'll accept nigh a two hour window earlier your product goes to impress afterward your print cycle ends).

How to update listing settings

You can access a listing's settings by clicking its 'gear' icon. Yous can update the post-obit settings for each listing:

  • Visibility: Control who is able to view your listings and where your products appear (eastward.yard. merch shelf).
  • Teespring Marketing: Toggle this on to let Teespring help you drive more sales through our Additional Network (marketplace integrations, SEM, paid promotion, etc.).
  • Schedule end appointment: Set up a date for your listing to cease or end it immediately to make products no longer available for purchase.
  • Print wheel: Past default, all listings automatically have iii mean solar day print cycles. This means orders are produced and shipped every three days. If no orders are placed, the impress cycle will keep indefinitely. You can also initiate a impress bicycle here to procedure orders asap.
  • Tracking:You're able to add tracking pixels for all listings within your account settings. You can also add together specific tracking pixels for specific listings here.

Visibility settings

Y'all can command who sees your Teespring listings and products by updating a listing's visibility setting. Just caput to the 'Listings' section of your Teespring business relationship and click the 'Settings' icon on your preferred listing. Next y'all'll see the section where you can select public, private, or unlisted visibility.

  • Public listings can be seen past and shared with anyone. Depending on your account preferences  they volition also prove up in search results, marketplaces, Youtube merch shelf, Twitch merch store etc. Note that a listing must exist set up to public if y'all desire it to appear inside integrations YouTube merch shelf and Twitch merch store. Use the public setting when you want every bit many people every bit possible to see your products.
  • Individual listings can only be seen by you and team members with access to your Teespring account. Your private listings won't appear in search results, storefronts, YouTube merch shelf or the Twitch merch store. This setting is a great tool if you desire to programme a big production launch. Y'all can create your listings ahead of time and only brand them visible when you're fix to announce them. If y'all make a listing private you can add it to your store too and people won't exist able to see it until you get in public.
  • Unlisted listings can exist seen and shared by anyone with the link. However, these listings will non appear in marketplaces, search results, or the YouTube merch shelf and Twitch merch store. Apply this setting when you want to share your list with a select grouping of people—they'll but be able to see your products if they have the link. Please annotation products of unlisted listings can still appear in storefronts so you'll want to remove them from your shop if you want to limit the people who can see them.

Note: If you change a listing from individual to public it volition be visible within your Teespring storefront almost immediately. Yet, it can accept up to 24 – 48 hours for the product to appear in your YouTube merch shelf and Twitch Merch Store. Also, when yous make a list private it will immediately disappear from your Teespring storefront, simply tin can take up to 10 hours for the product to exist removed from YouTube and Twitch.

Schedule stop date

Once you've created a list yous tin can schedule an stop date—this feature is useful for sellers who want to offer products for a express time. Go along in mind once your list ends on the scheduled appointment the print cycle will not restart (buyers will not exist able to place orders once it ends) and then you must manually relaunch the listing if you desire the products to exist available again.

To schedule an end appointment  visit the "Listings" department of your dashboard and select the gear icon (settings) for the listing y'all want to edit.

Then select the end engagement, time, time zone, and save your choice. If you want to end a listing'southward impress cycle immediately you tin select the "End Immediately" option likewise.  Go on in listen the impress wheel will non reset when you lot select this selection.

If you've scheduled an end time you may desire to also activate the inaugural timer on your list page. To do this, get tot the "Settings" section of your Teespring account, tick the box, and save your changes. Go on in mind by checking this choice, information technology will add the timer to all of your listings.

This is how the countdown timer appears on your list pages once activated:

Initiate print wheel

You tin can initiate a listing'due south print cycle from within your Teespring business relationship. Navigate to the "Listings" section of your dashboard and click the gear icon (settings) on the listing yous desire to edit.

When you select "Commencement Print" we volition initiate production for current orders on your listing and the print bicycle will reset to three days.

Select "Stop Immediately" if y'all desire to initiate the print cycle anddo non desire the list to relaunch, i.e. y'all exercise not want impress bike to reset and the products to be available for purchase again.

You tin relaunch listings at any fourth dimension in the 'Listings' section of your Teespring account.

Delete listings (archive)

Please annotation is not possible to completely delete a list due to legal reasons, however, you tin ensure it is no longer visible by anyone online and forestall people from purchasing from information technology.

  1. Make your listing private
  2. Disable marketing
  3. End your listing'south impress wheel

Archiving listings will remove them from visibility in the the "Listings" section of your dashboard. You can access archived listings and unarchive them at whatever time.

If yous want to unarchive a list change the 'Show' filter to 'Archived' and click the "x" icon as shown below.

You tin can also relaunch listings that have concluded print cycles.


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